Success Stories
Chris Flood
Pilates Teacher
Debby has been my teacher and mentor since I started my Pilates journey. She has helped me transform my body, mind and spirit as I worked with her to become a Pilates instructor. The best part about working with Debby was that she deeply integrated the Franklin Method into my Pilates training. I attribute some of my deepest transformation to this method. Not only has it been a catalyst for personal growth, but the Franklin Method has helped me become a better instructor. I was able to use the tools of embodiment integral to this method to deepen my understanding of the body and how it moves in space. I can use that embodiment to better communicate with my clients the true intention of each Pilates exercise. I can teach them more than just the exercise. I can teach them how to move with understanding and trust in their own bodies. They learn so much more than to match the form of an exercise. I can now provide that transformational element to my clients that Debby helped me understand in my own life. For the Franklin Method and Debby I will be eternally grateful!
JoAnn Hicks
Pilates Teacher
Debby has deep knowledge of how our bodies are designed and function, and a passion for sharing this knowledge with her clients and students. Her expert instruction has guided me to develop a deeper mind-body connection, enabling me to move more efficiently and feel stronger and healthier. Her mastery of the Franklin method has helped me tremendously, both as a Pilates teacher and in all of my daily activities.
Amanda Krause
Owner and director of Freckles Movement Studio in Green Bay, WI
Working with Debby has been life changing. She has helped me heal old basketball and running injuries that use to debilitate me in my early 20's. I was taking Advil almost daily for my knees in order to stay active and to numb the other minor aches and pains that I acquired from being an extremely competitive athlete. I knew this way wasn't sustainable for neither my body nor the way I wanted to feel and live my adult life.
I have been doing Franklin Method and Pilates with Debby for 5 years and I am forever indebted to the movement experiences and FM workshops she has provided for me.
I am now in my mid 30's and have no pain in my body. I feel better now than I did when I was an active 18 year-old. My life is full of success that feels so nourishing, creative and playful. Debby, thank you so much for your expertise and for sharing the Franklin Method work with me. It has changed every aspect of my life forever and I now forever have the tools I need to always feel good in my body, my business and my relationships.
Debby, thank you for your one-of-a-kind teaching. It is irreplaceable. And thanks for introducing another love in my life, The Franklin Method.